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Fang U Page 5
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Page 5
It was there for everyone, but only witches and wizards could tap into it. Not that we went advertising that to the world.
Not that it came to me. I could sense it there, just out of reach, but I couldn’t touch it. The magic came to you in its own time, and I guess I wasn’t worthy.
Even the calming exercise didn’t help. The truth was I didn’t know how I was going to make it here. I was on my own for the first time in my life hunting a vampire who’d already killed my best friend.
“You’re not in Kansas anymore, Lisa,” I muttered.
Not that I’d ever been anywhere remotely near Kansas. Even my life wasn’t that boring. Though I had been pretty close to some wicked witches in my day.
The door creaked open and I worried my mom might’ve had second thoughts about leaving. Then I realized how ridiculous that was. She didn’t have a keycard that would let her in.
My roommate must’ve arrived.
She stepped in and looked around, then turned and regarded me. She was a pretty blonde cheerleader type. Not exactly the kind of girl I hung out with in high school. Actually she looked like the kind of girl who seemed to enjoy making me miserable in high school.
I might be a witch, but that was the sort of thing we were supposed to keep quiet. No turning mean girls into toads or anything like that. The Coven Mother frowned on that.
Not that transforming people into toads was even a thing. That was all lies made up by Hollywood. Even if it wasn’t lies it’s not like I could transform her into a toad if I wanted to. I was as helpless as any other muggle.
The Coven Mother hated it when we used the m-word. It was mostly the younger generation, but it was catchy and the Coven Mother wasn’t around so screw her in her warty nose.
She didn’t have a warty nose, of course. That was another colorful witch turn of phrase.
This new roommate was no Selene. Seeing anyone but Selene walking in was a painful reminder of everything I’d lost, and now I was rooming with Buffy the Nerd Girl Slayer.
Then she smiled and it was hard for me to stay mad.
“Hi! I’m Amber!”
She held a hand out. I regarded the hand, not quite sure what to make of this bubbly blonde tornado before me. I guess if she was going to be my roomie I should try to get along though. It’s not like I could hold it against her that she wasn’t Selene.
I took her hand and forced a smile that didn’t feel natural.
“I’m Lisa. Nice to meet you Amber,” I said.
Amber beamed at me. “Nice to meet you too Lisa!”
She surprised me by pulling me in for a hug. I grunted, half from surprise and half from how freakishly strong she was, and went with it.
Cheerleaders. Ugh.
“We’re going to have the best year ever!” she whispered in my ear with the sort of excitement that I was used to seeing from someone trying to sell me something.
“Knock knock!” a voice said from the door.
I looked over Amber’s shoulder to see an older guy in pretty good shape standing next to an older woman who was so gorgeous there was no doubt she was the one who gave birth to perfect Amber with her perfect smile and her perfect cheerleader body.
I wanted to hate both of them. Old habits died hard. Only it was difficult to hate someone who’d just wrapped me in a hug and was smiling like that and saying we were going to be best friends.
The next hour was a whirlwind of activity, and I did my best to stay out of the way. Her dad put together the loft beds we’d agreed on. She got the wall facing the outer hall and I was on the wall facing our neighbors with our desks underneath.
They also brought up a television, a microwave, a laptop, and more clothes than I thought was possible for one person to own.
I really hoped that didn’t cause a problem. We didn’t have much closet space. Not that I had all that many clothes to begin with. I was a T-shirt and hoodie kind of girl. About as far from fashionista Amber as a girl could get.
Finally Amber’s parents finished up and headed out with a minimum of fuss. Watching them, watching what I imagined a regular family acted like, I was doubly glad I got here early enough that my mom was gone by the time Amber and her family got here.
As soon as the door was closed Amber turned on me and let out an ear splitting squeal that had me covering my ears.
“I can’t believe it. We’re finally at college!” she said. “Now get out your phone.”
“My phone?”
“Well yeah. I didn’t want to add you on anything before we got here, but now that I can see you’re not a crazy or something I think it’s safe enough,” she said.
This felt weird, but it was a good weird. For the longest time Selene had been my closest friend. My only friend really. My situation didn’t lend itself to making many friends in high school.
Yeah, I could get used to this sort of weird. It was almost enough to make me forget why I was here.
We spent the next couple of minutes exchanging info for every type of social media imaginable, including a couple of things I hadn’t heard of.
Hey, I might be part of an ancient order of magic users, but I was also up with the times. There were some things modern technology did better than magic.
Texting was a heck of a lot more efficient than sticking your head in a fireplace, for example. Not that we actually did that, but there was some stuff that wasn’t all that far off on the ridiculous scale.
Amber flopped down next to me on some bean bags we’d set up in front of the tiny television that occupied a place of prominence next to the mini fridge I’d brought over by the window that looked out over campus and all the possibilities waiting for us out there. “So where are we going tonight?”
“What are you talking about?” I asked.
There was so much I needed to do. I needed to walk the campus. Get the lay of the land. Try to see if there was anything that looked like a notorious vampire lair.
I didn’t think my roomie was talking about hunting vampires. I also didn’t think there was a chance they’d be in anything obvious like an ancient castle looking thing.
“Well the parties, of course,” Amber said. “It’s move-in day. Sure it’s just the first day, but there’s sure to be a lot of awesome parties out there tonight!”
I thought about everything I needed to do on top of all the normal college student stuff. I didn’t have time for partying. Partying so wasn’t me.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” I said. “What if we get in trouble or something? We’re not old enough to drink.”
Amber stared at me like I’d just said something pretty stupid. Then she grinned. It seemed like nothing could stop her from grinning.
“You’re so funny,” she said. “For a minute there I almost thought you were serious!”
I laughed. It felt weird to laugh. It also felt kind of good. I hadn’t laughed in awhile. Since the night they did that ritual that showed me Selene’s last memories.
Plus I figured if we were laughing then she might not see that I’d been totally serious.
I could get used to this. There wasn’t a lot of laughing in my house these days. Guilt tripping over my decision? We had plenty of that. No laughing though.
“Um, there’s another problem,” I said, thinking to my wardrobe that was almost exclusively hoodies and baggy shirts.
“What’s that?” she asked.
“I don’t really have anything I can wear out to a party,” I said. I whispered the next part, because I felt like she’d judge me for it. “I’ve never actually been to a party before. At least not a real one.”
Amber’s eyes went wide and she let out another ear piercing squeal. I thought she might pass out from the exertion.
“Oh my gawd you can’t be serious! You’ve really never been to a party? Who comes to college and they’ve never been to a party before?”
“Um, me?”
I guess that was the rig
ht answer. She squealed again. Blessedly it didn’t last for long. I was already risking tinnitus from this conversation.
“This is even better than I thought! I get a new roommate and I get to take you out to your first party and give you a makeover!”
“Hold on. Who said anything about a makeover?”
“I did silly,” she said. “Now stand up. I have to see if you’re my size. I think we’re pretty close.”
I was in a daze for the next half hour as I was thrust into a world I never thought I’d be a part of. Though I have to admit it was pretty fun trying on different outfits and checking them out in a mirror.
I could hardly believe it when I got a good look at myself in some of Amber’s clothes. Huh. So this was how the other half lived.
“I knew it,” Amber said. “We’re the same size. You might have a little room in the bust though.”
I shot an irritated glance her way, though it was more out of instinct than anything else. That sounded like the sort of nasty comment one of the mean girls would make back home, and I had to remind myself that Amber was on my side.
The sun was going down and dusk was settling in by the time we were ready.
I shivered looking out the window. Dusk. I knew there were dangerous things that came out on this campus at dusk, but I doubted they’d be too active on a busy night like tonight.
Besides, I was supposed to be here to observe and report. How was I supposed to report if I didn’t get out there and observe?
“What do you think?” Amber asked, putting her hands on my shoulders as she surveyed her handiwork in the mirror.
“I look so different,” I breathed.
“Yup! I guarantee this is going to be a night like nothing you’ve ever experienced!”
I smiled. Yeah, a night like I’d never experienced seemed like just the thing to settle me into my new life here at college. A night to act like I was a girl coming to college for the first time, and not someone searching for a deadly vampire infestation.
I felt a little crazy walking out to a campus party with my roommate, but at the same time it was sort of fun too.
I guess I’d spent so much time worrying about coming to college and hunting down a bunch of vampires that it never occurred to me that I might be able to get out there and have fun.
But why shouldn’t I enjoy myself? Why couldn’t I go out and have a good time? I was supposed to be out here looking for that vampire, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t have some fun while I was out looking for a vampire, right?
We joined a steady throng of people heading out from the dorms to the parties. It was a weird sight. Like an evacuation out of a movie or something, only it was people who were looking to go out and have a good time. Maybe get a little drunk.
I couldn’t help but feel a little flutter of excitement at the idea. I’d never done anything crazy back home. The Coven Mother looked down on witches, future or current, acting out.
Magicking while intoxicated was dangerous business.
So I’d been forced to be the good girl. The studious girl always buried in a book because there were always plenty to be enjoyed at mom’s shop and I figured if I couldn’t live my life then at least I’d live through other people’s lives.
Well I was going to go out and live a little tonight, damn it. Amber seemed like the kind of girl who knew how to have a good time. I figured there was nothing wrong with enjoying myself.
Even if I couldn’t get that dream out of my head. Even if I knew she was out there somewhere.
“You okay Lisa?” Amber asked.
I nearly tripped. It didn’t help that the sidewalks around here looked like someone had gone at them with a jackhammer. Obviously the city didn’t care about making sure sidewalks near campus were kept in good condition.
That couldn’t be good for people who were stumbling back to the dorms in the dark under the influence.
“Sorry, I was just thinking about how I never did this sort of thing back home,” I said. “It’s not like there were that many parties to go to.”
“Well we’re going to fix that tonight!” she said, that bubbly smile never leaving her face.
“So where are we going?”
I figured I’d let Amber do most of the leading tonight since I had no idea what I was doing. Of course she’d never been to college either, so it wasn’t like she really knew what she was doing, but she’d been to parties before so she knew more than I did.
“I know exactly what we’re doing,” she said. “I’ve heard all about college parties from my friends and there’s only one sort of college party for us. Greek.”
“Greek?” I asked.
“Yeah. Fraternities and sororities?”
“I know what they are,” I said. “I was just wondering why they’re better than regular parties?”
Amber’s face lit up with a smile. “Oh my gawd you have no idea! Those parties are supposed to be the best! My friend told me all about it. She joined this sorority and she wouldn’t shut up about how great it was!”
“What’s this friend’s name?” I asked.
“Diana,” she said. “She can be a little intense sometimes, but trust me. She can get us into the party so just put up with whatever bullshit she sends your way. She can be a little forward with the ladies, if you catch my drift. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, mind you. It’s just pushy is pushy whether you’re gay or straight.”
I nearly stumbled over my steps at that. Then I really parsed what she was telling me and felt a little better.
“I’m glad to hear you say that,” I said.
“You are?” she asked. “I mean it’s good to be an ally, but… oh.”
She must’ve caught something about the significant look I was hitting her with. The look that was telling her what my truth was even as I was terrified that she wasn’t going to react to it all that well.
But the reaction never came. She didn’t step away from me or any of the other stuff I’d come to expect from people who discovered I was into the ladies and had a problem with it.
“Huh,” she said. “Well if that’s the case then we definitely want to hit a sorority party and not one of the frats.”
I blinked. I had trouble believing she’d switched in her head so easily from going out to get dudes to being a wing woman. This girl was like nothing I’d expected, and I almost felt bad for thinking uncharitable thoughts when she’d first walked through the door to our dorm room.
“Yeah, that sounds fun,” I said, surprised that I was able to keep control of my voice.
“Of course it is!” she said. “Just watch out for Diana. Like I said, intense, and if she finds out you’re also into the ladies… Well she’s bad enough with the straight girls. Let me just leave it at that.”
I wasn’t sure what to think about that. I wasn’t sure I liked the idea of a girl being a little “too intense.” That sounded like she was making excuses for this Diana chick, but she was the one who knew about partying so I was willing to play along.
For now.
I looked all around and took in a deep breath. Even if going to a sorority party ended up not being as cool as Amber made it sound I could still enjoy being out here on a beautiful night.
It was still early enough in the year that the weather was nice and warm. A gentle breeze rustled through the trees. I always liked being among the trees. It reminded me of ceremonies with the Coven back home.
I missed home. I missed mom. More than anything I missed Selene, and thinking of her sent a pang of regret through me. Thoughts of her were always a reminder that I was out here for a reason.
If I found that vampire I was going to tell the Coven Mother all about it and that would be the end of her. Even if I wasn’t the one who was doing the ending, I could take some satisfaction in knowing I was the one who made it happen in some small way.
“Do you have any idea where we’re going?” I asked.
�Of course I do!” Amber said. “Just give me a minute. I’m texting Diana for the address to her sorority house.”
She was tapping away when I saw someone coming towards us in the distance. A group of guys and girls carrying cases of beer. That had to mean they were all over twenty-one. Either that or they were stupid enough that they didn’t think the campus cops would pick them up.
The one in the front in particular caught my attention. She was a cutie, that was for sure. And because she was cute I fully expected her to ignore me, but as they got closer she kept glancing in our direction.
Amber wheeled around just in time to see them, and the cutie was still staring. Amber blinked a couple of times, and then grinned as she looked back to me.
“Looks like you might not have to wait until we get to the sorority house to find a cute girl,” she whispered, though it was a stage whisper that was loud enough that the group could totally hear her.
She was doing that on purpose!
This was interesting, to say the least. I was so used to being back home where I never ran into girls who were into the girls. At least not girls who were into the girls who were willing to admit they were into the ladies, if that makes sense.
This was just another way that college was a completely different world from what I was used to.
“Hey there,” the girl said.
Amber elbowed me in the side. She was looking at me expectantly.
I locked eyes with the girl and blushed. I wasn’t prepared for this. It was so outside my experience that I didn’t know what to do when a pretty girl was obviously flirting with me! Not to mention I had no idea why a looker like this would be hitting on me in the first place, or how she even knew that I was interested in her to come up and flirt with me.
The thought that someone could pick me out of a lineup like that was also mildly terrifying after spending so much time trying to blend in back home.
“Um, hi?” I said.
I wasn’t sure what I was doing. I was short-circuited by the hotness.
I was also acting like an idiot. She still had that smile plastered on her face, but it slipped for a moment. Like she wasn’t used to girls acting indifferent to her advances.