Accidental Groupie: A Sweet Lesbian Romance Read online

Page 8

  "Jessica!" she said.

  "Jessica?" Alice said, sounding incredulous. “Ivy knows your name?”

  I blushed as I looked at my friend who I’d been less than honest with ever since we got to the concert. “Maybe?”

  “Ivy Thompson knows who you are? How does Ivy Thompson know who you are?”

  I blushed. I was in very real danger of melting into a puddle of hormones on the floor. Alice was the one who was supposed to be acting like this. I was supposed to be immune to Ivy’s superstar charms. Only it wasn’t really her superstar charms that grabbed me. No, it was a charming sexy girl sharing a quick conversation in a diner who got my attention.

  Just my luck. An insanely hot girl acted interested in me and it happened to be the lead singer of a band I despised. It was like I’d made the world’s lamest deal with the devil or I’d made a wish on a curse monkey’s paw to fall in love with a famous rocker and this is what the universe dropped in my lap. Talk about a cosmic joke some higher power somewhere had to be playing on me!

  And despite all that I was still melting. Figuratively and quite literally down between my legs where a flush of arousal and dampness that hadn't come on so suddenly in a good long while was threatening to soak through my panties.

  I didn't know what to say though. Earlier when we were chatting in the aforementioned diner the conversation flowed naturally because while she was hot I also had no idea who she was or if she was even into girls. Not knowing if I even had a chance with her sexually meant I could be myself. Sort of.

  Now, though, as I stared at this piece of tight hotness I felt every inch a silly schoolgirl with a crush. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say. My mouth opened but nothing came out. I was tongue-tied. I wanted to kick my brain for betraying me like this!

  I felt an elbow hit my side. Alice was looking at me with an irritated expression. She nodded towards Ivy before she hissed. "What the hell are you doing? Ivy Thompson is standing there looking excited to see you! Go get her!"

  I shook my head and then I was back in control. I still felt weak in the knees, I still felt as though my legs were going to collapse out from under me at any moment, but at least I could try and put on a good show. Act like I was the confident woman I knew I was even if I felt like a giddy schoolgirl when I looked at Ivy.

  She had an easygoing grin plastered on her face as though she was very excited to see me. That led me to wonder exactly why she was so excited. I’m sure a girl like Ivy could pull any girl she wanted in any of the cities they visited, and now she was fixated on me.

  Was that because she was genuinely interested in me or because she was genuinely interested in a groupie experience that I definitely didn’t want to partake in even if I might be willing to take part in the Ivy experience?

  I just didn’t know. If I’d actually been a fan of the band like Alice I might know more about their habits, but it’s not like I had time to talk with her what with the loud music and going straight backstage from our seats. I’d have to ask Alice for more info on Ivy once we got some time alone. If we got some time alone. I needed to know if this was real or if it was all part of the show.

  "Uh, hi Ivy?"

  "I'm glad I caught you back here," she said. "I totally forgot those passes don’t let you back where the band is anymore!"

  "Well I'm here. And I was hoping to get my friend Alice back there to see the band, but we had a little problem…"

  Ivy looked at the security mountain. "What's the problem?"

  "No problem if you say there's no problem Ms. Thompson," the mountain said, holding up his hands.

  Ivy grinned and smacked the guy on the shoulder. "No problem Dave. I know. Just doing your job. These two can come through. I’ll take care of it from here."

  As Ivy grinned and led us back where the magic happened I couldn’t help but feel a little like Cinderella walking into a fairytale of my very own. Sure it was a pop music fairytale with one of the most notorious girl bands of my generation, but with Ivy looking the way she looked in that miniskirt I'd take it. She reached out and I took her hand just like I had out on stage, only this time I found myself fervently hoping she didn't let go.

  I mean I know she had to let go at some point, but you know what I mean.

  I turned to Alice and flashed a quick uncertain smile. She shook her head and had a huge grin on her face. The message was clear enough. If Ivy Thompson takes your hand, whether or not you're strictly a fan of her music, you take it!

  I’m sure she was encouraging me for her own selfish reasons too. If I was being led backstage by Ivy Thompson then she was coming with me and there was the possibility she’d get to meet the band. I’m sure there was a certain lead guitarist in particular who had her interest!

  Ivy took us through the backstage area and introduced us to a couple of roadies. I figured that might be the end of our experience when I heard Alice gasp. I glanced into the darkness. It was surprisingly difficult to see things back here since everything was only illuminated by LED lights clamped to metal supports.

  Gareth appeared out of the darkness. He was cute enough if you were into that sort of thing. As soon as he saw us he broke into a huge grin. Though it would be more fair to say the grin broke out as soon as he saw Alice. He was eyefucking my friend pretty hard and Alice was enjoying every moment of it judging by the way she was giving as good as she got! I thought both of them might need a cigarette after they were done.

  “Ivy! Who are your friends?”

  “Gareth!” Ivy said. She pulled the guy into a huge hug.

  “Oh. My. God. Gareth!” Alice said. Squealed is more like it. I didn’t know it was possible for her voice to go that high.

  “None other than,” Gareth said. “And hello there little lady. What’s your name?”


  Before I could react or say anything this Gareth guy took Alice’s arm in his own. He leaned in close. Said something that made Alice giggle. Then the two of them were walking off into the darkness as I stared in slack-jawed astonishment.

  That was fast.

  Ivy followed them for a moment, an unreadable expression on her face. Then she shook her head and smiled. “Classic Gareth. Hope your friend knows what she’s getting into.”

  I looked at the retreating figure of Alice and this Gareth guy. She was laughing at something he was saying and seemed like she couldn’t be happier that the one guy in the band and the sole non-musical draw for the heterosexual female crowd was paying attention to her. I could’ve said something, but I decided not to. She was getting what she wanted.

  “Alice is a big girl. She knows what she’s getting into,” I said.

  She knew what she was getting into a hell of a lot better than I did considering she probably knew that Gareth guy’s complete biography along with the name of his favorite hamster growing up and his favorite food.

  “Fair enough,” Ivy said.

  “Right! So you were taking me on a tour?”

  “Of course! Follow me my dear.”

  Ivy led me deeper backstage and I followed more than willingly, which is something I never thought I’d say about the lead singer of Sleepwalker, but now that I was here I figured I might as well enjoy the ride!

  11: Luckiest Girl in the Arena

  Ivy led me closer to the front. Towards the stage. I felt my palms getting sweaty as we approached. I could see light from the arena on the other side. Out there were thousands of women who would kill to be where I was right now, and I had a feeling I was the one they’d be more than happy to kill.

  Then again I hadn’t been ripped to shreds earlier when she pulled me up on stage so I suppose that was a plus. Besides, some of the women out there probably would’ve been more than happy to rip Alice apart for the opportunity she was getting with Gareth somewhere backstage.

  It’s not like every girl in that crowd could be gay even if they made up a sizable portion of the audience.

  The crowd was chanting. Ivy pulled me
over to get a quick look out on the stage proper. Far enough back that we couldn't be seen, but close enough that I could see the crowd. Women shrieking and screaming for the band to do another song even though it was obvious they were done. The lights were coming on overhead in the universal concert signal for “go home, nothing to see here.” That could have been me stuck out there worrying about the traffic I was going to have to sit through and dealing with ringing ears from music I didn’t care for. Only that wasn’t happening because I’d run into Ivy and got backstage tickets.

  Funny how life works out.

  "All those women out there screaming for you," I said.

  It was wild thinking about that. All those women wanted nothing more than to see Ivy. Maybe get up close and personal. And here I was the one girl in the entire arena who didn’t care for the band and I was the one back here with her. Like I said, funny how life works out.

  Ivy came up beside me and shrugged. "Occupational hazard."

  She grinned as she looked down at me, and I saw her look me up and down . That quick look sent a thrill running through me. How could I have ever wondered if she was interested in me? There was no mistaking that look.

  Then again she had gone with that strange expectant look at the diner rather than jumping straight to the eye fucking she was treating me to right now. If she’d opened with this in the diner instead of waiting for me to recognize her then things would have gone very differently.

  Not necessarily in a good way either. I probably would’ve turned into a babbling incoherent mess even if I didn’t know who she was.

  I felt something that made me jump even as it sent a thrill through me. Ivy's arms snaked around me and her breasts pressed against my back. I closed my eyes as an involuntary shiver ran up and down my body. Damn she felt so damn good, and her body was still so very hot from being out onstage. The heat seemed to radiate off her in waves and it was causing a heat to rise between my legs in counterpoint to the feel of her body against me. Damn!

  And this was the lead singer of a band I’d deliberately avoided for years doing this to me. It was like my body was committing the ultimate betrayal, but there wasn’t anything I could do about it. There wasn’t anything I wanted to do about it. No, I wanted to stay like this with her pressed up against me and a crowd chanting her name in front of me forever. It was a quiet moment, but it was something that was going to stick with me for the rest of my life just as much as that moment on stage with her serenading me.

  She did one better than pressing against me though. Her other arm wrapped around me and then her entire body was pressing against me. I froze, unsure of what to do. Unsure that this was actually happening. Sure there was the whole pop star thing she had going for her and that was nice and all, but more than anything I was just a woman with a hot girl pressing against her, not quite believing my luck.

  Only her breasts, her tight stomach, pressed against me were all too real.

  I felt a fire raging in my pussy from our bodies connecting. She started not-so-subtly grinding against me. And why should she bother to be subtle? This was Ivy Thompson, we were backstage at a concert she'd just rocked judging by the women still screaming out there. She could have her pick of any girl out there and yet she was grinding against me.

  I think that more than anything else was what did it for me. Her status as the star of the show meant she could quite literally go out to any girl screaming in that crowd, a crowd probably filled with girls way hotter than me, and they’d come running at the snap of a finger. Maybe even at just a look. Maybe even some of the straight girls who were only here for Gareth. And yet despite having that power, despite having that choice, she was pulling me against her instead.

  It defied explanation. I was nothing special. Not really. Yet here I was. I couldn’t deny what was happening when the delicious evidence was right behind me!

  I took in a quick breath, so quiet that I didn't think it could be heard over the roaring crowd outside, but she was close enough that she could feel it. She laughed a low laugh behind me. And she pressed against me even harder. To the point that she was practically dry humping me while the only thing preventing us from being seen by everyone out there was a few feet of scaffolding that hid the backstage area from the screaming throngs.

  "You know I could have any girl I want out there," she said.

  I shivered again. Was that a little egotistical? Sure, but from her tone she was just making a plain statement of fact. A plain statement of fact that I knew was absolutely true.

  I knew I was probably just one in a long string of girls she'd seduced this way over the years, but it felt so good. Only that thought brought up an even more confusing mix of emotions. What if this was just a show she was putting on? What if I was just another notch in her bedpost? What if this was a routine she used to dazzle girls at all her concerts and I was just the latest idiot to fall for it? It would be easy enough for her to use her position to pull something like this in every city on their tour and no girl would be the wiser.

  Yet here I was practically throwing myself at her back here. Letting her grind against me and do what she wanted. Part of me wanted to shove her away and slap her for treating me no better than a groupie while another part of me very much wanted to melt into that sculpted body and let her have her way with me because goddamn had it been far too long since I’d had anything like this, and never with a girl this hot or this easy to be around!

  It had been awhile since she said anything. Shit. She said something to me that sounded like it needed a response. What had she said? Right. Something about having any girl out there. The egotistical statement that launched me into a long bout of navel gazing. How did I even respond to something like that?

  “If you could have any girl out there then why pick me?”

  Damn it. I was looking for something to say but that seemed like the completely wrong thing. Bad enough that I was dealing with my own insecurities without voicing them to the girl who was way too hot to actually be interested in me!

  To my surprise her reaction was to laugh. She trailed a hand along my left arm leaving a trail of goose bumps and fire, and then down to where she gripped my stomach and pulled me against her as her lips brushed against my ear. I closed my eyes and sighed as I felt her hot breath, somehow hotter and more sensual than even her body pressing against mine.

  "You really don’t know?" she asked. “You’re just full of surprises Jessica. If anything I think you being naive about how goddamn hot you are makes you that much more interesting.”

  I sighed again. This was so incredible. So unbelievable. Here she was whispering exactly what I wanted to hear, though there was still a part of me that worried at how she was able to come up with exactly what I wanted to hear so easily.

  Almost as though she was practiced at this. Almost like it was a routine she’d practiced with other girls in countless other cities on countless other tours. Still, for the moment it didn’t seem like she was going to pull away because I'd opened my big fat mouth. I hate to say it, but in that moment that’s all I cared about.

  "I thought you were the most gorgeous woman I'd ever seen when I first saw you at the diner. That’s why I approached you even though I don’t normally do that with fans. Then to discover you weren’t even really a fan? Well that makes you a challenge. And there's nothing I love more than a challenge."

  She disengaged and it sounded like she was walking away. I stood rooted to the spot though. I couldn't move. Had she really just said that? I felt like I was about to have an orgasm right here staring out over the crowd and she hadn't done more than whisper a few words while making one hell of a promise.

  The most gorgeous woman she’d ever seen?

  Talk about laying it on thick. I hated that I was falling for it. I hated that my emotions were an instrument she was manipulating like the skilled master she no doubt was.

  "Are you coming?"

  Oh hell those words could mean so many different things. And right
now I knew exactly what it meant. My body was shivering and I felt an impossible pleasure between my legs. Holy shit. I really was in very real danger of coming just standing here thinking about what she'd just said!

  So I stopped for a moment and caught my breath. Tried to get my body under control. I was so fucking turned on, but I needed to get a handle on this. I was not going to come at just the thought of feeling her pressed against me!

  After a moment I thought I could trust myself to turn around and face her. And so I did, and I realized I wasn't prepared at all. She'd pulled away from me but she was still right there. She was looking at me with an obvious hunger and lust in her eyes, but underneath it all there was something else.

  There was a tenderness there. An almost hesitation that made it seem like she was in unfamiliar territory. That quieted my worries that I was just another groupie, though I suppose a skilled player would be able to give off that feeling.

  I wanted nothing more than to jump on her. To complete the delicious orgasm that had been building inside me. That had been threatening ever since she first pressed up against me. She was looking at me with tenderness and I was the one who was thinking with the brain between my legs and feeling the need to give into pure animal lust.

  Only I didn't. It was as though electricity was jumping between us, but I didn't give into my baser urges. There was still something that was holding me back. Whether that was the fact that she was who she was or because we were in public was up in the air.

  "Where are we going?"

  "I was thinking to the meet and greet? They’ll get upset if I don’t at least make an appearance."

  I sighed in disappointment. There were a lot of places I could think of going with her and a meet and greet where I’d have to share her with other women was the last of them. I was so keyed up that I would’ve done just about anything she asked in that moment. Apparently the disappointment was plain on my face, because she smiled.

  "Don't worry," she said. "It'll only last for a little while, and then maybe I can show you the tour bus?"